HP (Hewlett-Packard) - A530

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Start Here HP Photosmart A530 series printer Comience aqui Impresora HP Photosmart A530 series Commencez ici ISH Imprimante HP Photosmart A530 series Unpack the printer Desembale la impresora Deballez Pimprimante Remove the protective tope from inside and around the printer and remove the protective film from the printer screen Raise the printer screen Retire la cinta protectora tanto la del interior como la que rodea la impresora y la pelicula protectora de la pantalla de la impresora Eleve la pantalla de la impresora Retirez la bande adhesive de protection situee d I interieur et tout autour de I imprimante ainsi que le film de protection de I ecran de I imprimante Soulevez I ecran de I imprimante HP Photosmart A530 series 5 HP Adv ...